How To: Create optical illusions in Flash CS3

Create optical illusions in Flash CS3

Tony Ross demonstrates how to create optical illusions in Flash. In the first video he creates a spinning illusion of circles with cycling gradients using Motion Tweens and Rotation Options. In the second video, create a tunnel illusion using Motion Tweens and Masking. The last section shows you how to create a more complex spinning illusion of two sets of concentric circles using Motion Tweens, Rotation Options, and Blend Modes. Tools used include the Oval Tool, Free Transform tool, Gradients, and an introduction to the History panel.

Create optical illusions in Flash CS3 - Part 1 of 3

Create optical illusions in Flash CS3 - Part 1 of 3 Click through to watch this video on

Create optical illusions in Flash CS3 - Part 2 of 3

Create optical illusions in Flash CS3 - Part 2 of 3 Click through to watch this video on

Create optical illusions in Flash CS3 - Part 3 of 3

Create optical illusions in Flash CS3 - Part 3 of 3 Click through to watch this video on

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