Active Adobe Flash Posts

How To: Interact with objects in ActionScript 3.0 and Flash

An Object within Flash CS3 is a thing - a thing that has attributes and can perform actions. That thing may be a ball bouncing in your animation or a dog barking. In this short tutorial, author Bill Dallas Lewis presents the concept of Objects within ActionScript 3 and Flash CS3 as well as how to interact with objects within your presentation.

How To: Create optical illusions in Flash CS3

Tony Ross demonstrates how to create optical illusions in Flash. In the first video he creates a spinning illusion of circles with cycling gradients using Motion Tweens and Rotation Options. In the second video, create a tunnel illusion using Motion Tweens and Masking. The last section shows you how to create a more complex spinning illusion of two sets of concentric circles using Motion Tweens, Rotation Options, and Blend Modes. Tools used include the Oval Tool, Free Transform tool, Gradient...

How To: Create and use symbols and instances in Flash CS3 Pro

This video introduces the concept of symbols and instances in Flash. It shows you that symbols are objects that can be reused as instances, and targeted with ActionScript code. The tutorial shows you the difference between graphic, movie clip, and button symbols, and how to modify both symbols and instances in different ways. Create and use symbols and instances in Flash CS3 Pro.

How To: Design websites with Photoshop and Flash

This video breaks down a composite that makes up a website and shows you how to take the layers and images and layout you created in Photoshop, and transfer them to Flash. Within Flash, you can go through each layer and determine how you want it to be saved. Tanya Staples does a great job breaking down each step. Design websites with Photoshop and Flash.